Friday, November 4, 2011

and 4 months later.

whatever. i'm bad at keeping up with things like this. and this post isn't funny, and i'm all sorry about that. and eventually i'll get back to BIPSBAT and finish that guy.

but i went to church today for a thing and got my cookies all frosted. here's a poem i wrote a few years ago that i want to fix and revise and make better and more immediate and less dorm-room debatey (a conversation about religion that doesn't make you sound like a pissy teenager? no way!) . i want this to grow up, basically. like, a lot. but at the same time, i want to say it outloud. i think it merits a voice.

An idol threat,
idle, yet ever present,
ever converting,
--or, if you will--
perverting the pious.
i don't pretend to understand the man who
preaches to the open hoping for pieces of him.
public lonely boys should marry such a god.

and nuns are the epitome of something that i can't quote put my finger on.
intimidation, perhaps?
or drunken whores on sunday, emotionally overeating the body of christ.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

LUFF. is obsessionworthy stuffs. Mostly composed of everything, it's a visually driven collection of cultural ends and oddities, things that make culture and things that culture has made. Pretty darn nifty, too.

There's this one collection of a rotting new orleans amusement park that breaks my heart to look at, but offers so much to talk about. I want to say a million words about it (there are at least a billion in there). I just have to find the right ones.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Oh man. I have to rethink this title font. Again. in legible english letters and roman numerals--BIPSBAT: iii

So. Okay. Here's an issue that should either be addressed head on or never talked about ever again as long as any of us are alive:

I find Wolf Blitzer to be drop-dead handsome and I'd probably make out with him given the opportunity.

He's old. He's pretty cranky most of the time. And I question his suit choices on regular occasion. But you know what? All non-issues. I'd call him a silver wolf, because that would be all clever of me, but in most sincere honesty, I think the dude's more of a silver honey badger. Wolf Blitzer just does. not. give. a shit. Also, maybe sometimes he eats snakes probably.

Incidentally, if you put a sweet potato in my supersonic nuclear war weapon microwave for any longer than 4 minutes, terrible, awful, smoky things happen.

Reworking the Spin Class monologue. ( most masochistic excercise ever. hateful and wrong.)

Seven or eight minutes into it and my legs are threatening secession from the rest of my body. A wone woman civil war fought on a bicycle that doesn't goddamn go anywhere. I hate spin class. It's so stupid. I HATE spin class. It's SO STUPID! My leg muscles are totally petrified, horrified that I would put them to such monotonous and cruel work. I can feel them commiserating, tightening and forming alliances in there. The muscles have thrown in the towel, yeah. Yet the bones keep going--my legs keep going, and the former have no choice but to go along for the ride, spinning and spinning and spinning with so much wild abandon, trying to get nowhere as uickly as possible with as much speed as they can drain from the rest of me. Rightleftrightleftrightleftrightleftrightleft! No one should go this fast, I think, unless they're being chased by much bigger people. And the big people want to kill them. My legs just keep going, and going, and the pain is a fiery cold snowball, spinning and rolling and building and burning and getting bigger and becoming my legs. They fade in and out of numbness, feeling nothing one moment and an intense and scorching rippin burn the next. My legs are going to fall off and I won't even know it. It's like having a rug burn on the inside. Or when someone twists both their hands around your forearm in opposite directions--the Indian rope burn! INside my legs, throughout my legs, some slick bastard has managed to wrap his hands between the muscle and bone of my thighs and is twisting in opposite directions. Probably Satan. And this spin class instructor guy is in on it, too, i 'm sure. I suspect he knows Satan. They were probably roomates once.

If I hadn't seen them with my own eyes, I would swear to you I've lost my knees at some point during this hellacious 45-minute ride that doesn't go anywhere. I'm trying! I'm trying! Spinning and spinning and spinning. My heart knows we're in a terrible place and it wants to abandon ship, banging, POUNDING on the inside walls of my chest with all the enthusiasm and terror of a conductor trapped inside a train about to fly off the tracks. The imaginary hills ARE THE WORST. He's making us stand up. Are you INSANE, guy?! Stand and pedal with your lifeless stiff legs, ladies! And so I stand on legs I'm not even sure exist anymore. Still spinning. I'm standing, they're spinning and dizzy and hating me. Trudging up steep stairs made of heavy wet clay and giving a piggyback ride to a baby elephant. At 4 miles an hour, please, ladies! The room is thick with heavy, sticky air. Evaporated, syrupy air. Like if you take the trees out of the rainforest in the middle of July on the hottest day of the year and replace them with bicycles that don't goddamn go anywhere. I have expect to hear monkeys howling along the the abrasive techno shit blaring from all four window-less walls. A little box of hell. Hell is a little botx of dense, moist heat and I am inside of it.

I was wearing a light gray shirt when I'd started eighteen minutes ago, and the room was a cool 72 degrees. I know because it felt like my house when I arrived. I was smiling then. The world was a kind place. Now my shirt is mostly dark gray and clingning, damp and drenched, to my arms and my stomach and my back and my chest. I in turn am clinging to these horrible rubbery handlebars, which were certainly not made with warm wet palms and slippery fingers in mind. Fumbling, scrambling to hold on to these horrible effing handlebars. I am NOT smiling anymore. There IS no santa claus. I am sweating. No, no. I am RAINING perspiration. The moisture has in fact coated me, my once light gray shirt, and my ponytail that I really wish I had worn high now that I feel it plasted to the back of my neck, holding on for dear soaking wet life so as not to fall off this bicycle that still doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

How much time is left. Where's the clock. WHY DON'T WE HAVE A FUCKING CLOCK?! I can feel thel signle bead of sweat slide down my forehead, and I can feel it hanging from my eyebrow, plotting its launch into my open ey---OH MY GOD WHY CAN'T I SEE?!?! And my right eye is clenched like a violent fist wrapped around a salty sting that won't go away.


Thursday, July 7, 2011


is a thing i used to do on a regular basis. Like, 4 days a week, at least 2 miles a day regular basis. And i hated every goddamned minute of it. BUT. The overwhelming satisfaction buzz I got after each complete round was totally worth it. I stopped when i moved to chicago in favor of y'know, way too many cigarettes and a baby elephant's weight in whiskey. And as a direct result, my face no longer looks like my face. For flippin real. Puttin on some pudge in the cheeks and it's just annoying me at this point. SO. This past weekend I got my gym on and this morning I ran sprint intervals for 2 and a half miles along the lake. And it felt soooooooo gooooooood. I will do it again tomorrow. Aiming for a monday, tuesday, thursday, friday routine. Saturday I work, Wednesday I sleep in, and Sunday I rest like Jebus.

Speaking of Jebus, JESUS this is a boring post. I'll make it up tomorrow. Or who are we kidding. The next time I make it back here.

Also, I think JAY Z should come out with a cleaning album and he should call it Housekeeping with Hova. Because that's what's up.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

overheard on the corner of clark and addison at 8:30 a.m. on a tuesday:

" long as it isn't urine or gasoline, i think you'll be fine."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

meh meh something about clocks

Of opulence and heart attacks
Uneven hands snap invisible fingers
against a rhythmic moment.
Steady, dark, and sweet components
digress, outlasting only twelve
crushed against a wall and nailed
Only hands.
Deaf and dumb and
eyeless face.
Only hands
cradle that fire (in which we sunbathe)
with such a sad, hot, tight embrace.
Tickling ivories: the clicking soundtrack of lives.
Not talking.
Talking again.
Stillness is a myth.

Concerning the Brat Pack

So. I've been wanting to do this for a while now. Mostly because I laugh out loud every time I think about how much fun it would be. I want to do a series of paintings/sillyfun multimedia portraits with those timeless teens as robots. Or maybe just one great big mantlepiece-worthy family portrait. I was considering getting a kitten a while ago and had (still have) my heart set on naming it Robot Lowe. Because...well, seriously. Like I have to justify naming something Robot Lowe. And then I was all, yep. This is happening. And then I moved and got distracted ( BAD liz) and abandoned the idea. But I've made a promise to myself to start working on Android McCarthy this weekend. These are the names I have so far: Robot Lowe, Android McCarthy, Ally Sheetmetal, and--my personal freaking favorite--TIN CANTHONY MICHAEL HALL. Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, and Molly Ringwald are, as of yet, without robot names. Any suggestions are welcome suggestions. Especially for Estevez. Estevez or Estevaz? I don't know. Anyway, if you're starting a band, you should name it either Judd Nelson Mandella or Anthony Michael Hall and Oates.

The end.

Tomorrow (according to my practicing definition): n. An undisclosed day in the future. Apparently.

So since it's tomorrow, I'm going to hammer out day TWO of BIPSBAT. Ready? Go.

NUMBER FOUR: Gil Grissom, aka William Peterson, aka the dad from "Fear". William Peterson is an old man. He is also chubby. Also, he has a history of taking on characters who collect maggots and hate on Marky Mark. There's nothing admirable about either of those hobbies. HOWEVER, as we all know, this man made a lengthy appearance in the cinematic gem Young Guns, which might potentially negate all of the aforementioned blahness. And might be (read:totally is) the subconscious foundation of my two-year-long need to watch CSI marathons back to back to back. Not healthy, and I know it. One time I followed a man around a thrift store in St. Mark's Place in NYC waiting for him to put down a CSI shirt so i could buy it. It was a weird time in my life and I'm sort of horrified I just put that information out into the world. But not too horrified to delete it.

Monday, May 23, 2011


While starting entry 2 of BOYS I PROBABLY SHOULDN'T BE ATTRACTED TO: EPISODE FAMOUS ( or BIPSBATEF if you want to make a fun pneumonic word to remember it by, which, let's face it, you did)--wait. Where the eff was i going with this. OH. ha. WHILE starting the entry, I got distracted and fell in love with this lady's handmade purses. So pretty and sweet. I plan on buying at least two. I'll finish up ol' bipsbatef when I wake up. After my oatmeal party.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It started with Axl Rose in 1987. Or you know what--that's a lie; no, it didn't. It started with Scott Howard in 1985. The latter was a real boy who went to pre-school with me. We were engaged and he wore sailor suits and used to run around with Q tips jammed into his ears. The former, though responsible for "November Rain," is insane and hardly an appropriate crush for a six-year old. A sick pattern emerged way back when, and after some serious (not REALLY serious, though) soul searching, I have decided to finally acknowledge it out loud: I have questionable taste in boys. Like, seriously. Over the course of 24 years (starting with the Q tip bandit, remember), I have managed to accumulate an impressive (not REALLY impressive, though) who's who track list of lunatics and dudes my friends meet and rightfully say things like WHY IS HE DRINKING WINE OUT OF A BOWL. I definitely have a type. And you know what? It isn't just limited to real live boys. It extends into the celebrity realm, which is pretty goddamned big, you know, and houses a lot of people who look perfectly normal from a distance. Even there, good sense and judgment is totally lost on me. And honestly, though probably symptomatic of some grave come-to-Jesus speech I need to have at myself, I find the whole thing wildly entertaining. I have decided today (who not) would be a a good time to start talking about it. Here I have assembled a top five list (a la Rob Gordon, who, incidentally, does not qualify for any position whatsoever on the list (bless his neurotic little fictional heart)) of famousish men I have found attractive throughout my life for reasons I don't even want to understand. I will call it BOYS I PROBABLY SHOULDN'T BE ATTRACTED TO: EPISODE FAMOUS

Acknowledgment of the problem is the first step to recovery.

We won't start at the very beginning ( although one time this nun was all, it's a very good place to start). Rather, I'll spend the next five days counting down backward 54321 lift-off style from what I deem the most acceptable to the stuffs that interventions are made of. Aaaaaand the winners are (drumroll, please)...

5. Billie Joe Armstrong looks like a hungover woman who didn't take her makeup off before passing out on the kitchen floor with one hand stuffed into a bag of Funyuns and the other wrapped around a phone. (It's true. And if you do not think it is true, you are wrong. The man is not attractive.) His eyeliner is a smidge to calculated (smudgy in all the right, strategic places), and his silly hair is a little too black for his age ( or for his species) and a pinch too perfectly mussed. This man takes time to look like he doesn't care. And that is a problem in my book. Because I bet he wears MAC makeup. And I'm sure he smells like roses. He's Hot Topic with feet, this guy. And yet, for some reason, I sort of want to make out with his faux-dirty face. It's weird and wrong. Also, his music is shit.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The south. Is home. Is less cold. Is warmer in tone. Is yellow. Is saltwater. Takes its time. Is Scarlet O'Hara isn't Scarlet O'Hara at all. Is my grandfather's house. Is the azalae bushes outside my grandfather's house and in the park in April if not March. Is moss that you don't even realize is there it just is. Is stiff drinks and sweet drunks. Is music. Is pink and gray and green and bricks and shadows. Is cemeteries. Is no liquor sales on Sunday. Is related to itself. Holds the door. Is irreverent. Is reverence. Is 2011. Is a puppet show. Smiles behind your back. Has electricity (it runs on gossip). Likes to dance with strangers. Is tailgating. Is wars and shit (it's history). Reckons. Is old. Is there. Is sunburned. Sneaks out of her house and steals the car. Is beer battered and deep fried. Is which Fogarty are you, Beth's daughter? Is every now and then a confederate flag. Is backwards. Moves forward. Is MLK Blvd. Is dirty. Is magic. Is hurricane evacuation routes. Holds a grudge. Has teeth. Is beautiful and smells like something perfect. Is gravy. Is real. Is far away. Is manners. Is violent. Is Wal Mart. Is stubborn. Lost its ass in a war. Is chicken. Drives fast. Is that time I saw a horse at a gas station. Is old money. Is poor. Is hilarious. Is moribundity in motion. Is history (it's wars and shit). Is Athens in November. Is married at 23. Isn't banjos. Is trouble. Is dirt roads. Is highways. Stings. Doesn't sound like that. Remembers. Is incestuous. Is muttonchops and pleated pants. Is art. Is porch swings. Is nice to your face. Is sweat and the sound crickets make when you're sweating. Is bugspray and the way bugspray tastes. Is crosses and coffee and doughnuts on Sunday. Is chains you can't see. Is words you don't know.

Monday, April 11, 2011

so i moved to chicago

i haven't blogged in over a year. last entry was in 2009. a lot has changed since 2009. i still don't like to capitalize sentences, though. that hasn't changed. so, yeah, i'll recap for you. 2010: the short and dirty version... in april my little sister got married. in may i finished grad school and am now the proud owner of a shiny master's degree in rhetoric and performance studies, which is, for all intents and purposes, really cool but mostly useless. i sold everything in my apartment and moved the heck out of louisiana. (i have a special place in my heart for louisiana, but i don't want to live there.) moved back to savannah for three months before packing two suitcases and moving to chicago with no job or apartment and, like, 2 friends. and now: i have a sweet apartment with a lovely roommate in a douchey neighborhood; i'm back behind a bar working with some of the sweetest, most interesting people i've ever met (i truly love these guys); feel like i've made some incredible lifelong friends; i tutor one day a week at an AIDS ministry; i'm trying to write during my downtime ( looking to join a writing group to help me focus); my romantic life is still a source of constant entertainment; i fell off the exercise wagon and am ready to get back in shape. a lot; i miss my dog; i miss the ocean; i probably drink too much; i love walking everywhere i go; i finally watched arrested development; i buy a lot of books; i still wear black all the time; and there are other things, but i'll save those for other times. right now i have to go eat some popsicles.