Thursday, July 7, 2011


is a thing i used to do on a regular basis. Like, 4 days a week, at least 2 miles a day regular basis. And i hated every goddamned minute of it. BUT. The overwhelming satisfaction buzz I got after each complete round was totally worth it. I stopped when i moved to chicago in favor of y'know, way too many cigarettes and a baby elephant's weight in whiskey. And as a direct result, my face no longer looks like my face. For flippin real. Puttin on some pudge in the cheeks and it's just annoying me at this point. SO. This past weekend I got my gym on and this morning I ran sprint intervals for 2 and a half miles along the lake. And it felt soooooooo gooooooood. I will do it again tomorrow. Aiming for a monday, tuesday, thursday, friday routine. Saturday I work, Wednesday I sleep in, and Sunday I rest like Jebus.

Speaking of Jebus, JESUS this is a boring post. I'll make it up tomorrow. Or who are we kidding. The next time I make it back here.

Also, I think JAY Z should come out with a cleaning album and he should call it Housekeeping with Hova. Because that's what's up.

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